It is difficult to choose our favorite places in Trentino, but certainly one of them is the “Marocche di Dro:” a huge rock accumulation, caused by several post-glacial rockslides, which a unique flora and fauna colonized over the millennia. This lunar landscape, mostly composed of limestone rocks, is a biotope since 1986, and stands out in the fertile Sarca river valley.

Inside the natural reserve of the Marocche, you can find signs of human presence. Maybe the most important one is the architectonical wonder of “Centrale Fies,” a hydroelectric power plant built in the early 20th century that today is home to “Drodesera,” a renowned performative arts festival. This July Centrale Fies also hosted “UrbanHeat,” a three-day lab for artists that was part of “Festival in Transition,” a European network connecting 13 international festivals.

Dolomit staff had the pleasure to offer some historical and environmental context information during a walk organized for the UrbanHeat artists, and truly enjoyed being part of fruitful debates on the human-environment relation with all the people involved in the lab. It was an honor to be part of this amazing international program and to spend time with smart and engaged people from all over the world!

Our image gallery tries to capture the richness and the enjoyment of such a stimulating experience.